Five Reasons Why You Need Root Canal Treatment

Five Reasons Why You Need Root Canal Treatment

Jun 01, 2020

Having pimples in your gums, swelling, darkening, the sensitivity of the teeth when eating could be a sign of root canal infection and you may need root canal therapy.

Our teeth have three layers and the innermost one is called a pulp cavity. This chamber houses nerves and tissues that nourish the teeth. When the pulp gets infected, it causes extreme pain and discomfort. The best form of treatment for an infected pulp is endodontics in Billerica, MA.

Here are five reasons why our dentist in Billerica, MA may recommend root canal therapy:

1. If You Have Deep Decay

Poor dental hygiene is a culprit for many different dental conditions including pulp infection. When plaques buildups, it may affect the gums and the teeth causing cavities. If left untreated, the infections can spread to the gums and the pulp cavity causing it to die. If you have moderate decay, the dentist may recommend a root canal treatment to remove the infected pulp.

2. To Preserve Your Teeth

For a long period, teeth extraction was the treatment of choice. However, with the advancement of dental technology root canal therapy is the ideal treatment. Tooth extraction leaves unsightly spaces in between your teeth that can affect your dental structure. Plus, having missing teeth can cause bone loss.

A root canal treatment preserves your teeth because it removes the infected pulps and leaves your natural teeth intact.

3. Stop the Spread of Infection

If the infection is unattended, it could spread to the surrounding teeth causing the teeth to weaken. Worse still, the bacteria can travel to the bloodstream triggering an inflammation.

4. You Have Repeated Dental Procedures

Repeated dental treatments increase your risk of pulp damage. Several reasons may cause your teeth to require numerous dental treatments such as recurring cavities. If you have had multiple dental procedures, you may need a root canal to help preserve your teeth.

5. Teeth Crack and Chips

Cracks, chips, and trauma may lead to a root canal procedure. Minor chips and cracks can be fixed with a dental filling. However, for severe cracks, the dentist may perform a root canal before bonding the teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What Causes Root Canal Infection?

Poor hygiene, multiple dental procedures, having many canals, cracked, chipped, or damaged teeth are all factors that can affect the root canal.

Q. How is the Procedure Done?

You will need at least two dental visits for root canal treatment. The procedure is done in a few steps.

  • Dental examination and evaluation of the dental structure and the spread of the infection. Deep teeth cleaning may be done to remove the plaques.
  • The affected teeth are separated with a protective sheet to keep it dry and free of saliva
  • The dentist will open the crown to clean the chamber and reshape the cavity.
  • A biocompatible material is used to seal the cavity and a temporary filling used to close it.
  • On your final visit, the dentist will fix a permanent crown to protect and strengthen the teeth.

Q. Is the Root Canal Procedure Painful?

No. The dentist will anesthetize the gums and reduce discomfort. Dental sedation may also be used if you have dental phobia. Several options are available such as laughing gas, oral sedation, IV, and general sedation. The dentist will choose suitable dental sedation based on the severity of the procedure and the location of the tooth.

Q. What Are the Side Effects of Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal therapy is successful, but a few problems may occur. Reinfection may develop if you have multiple canals and breakdown of the crown or sealant may also cause the procedure to fail.

Q. When is it Too Late to Have a Root Canal Procedure?

Waiting for too long to get a root canal therapy may lead to teeth loss. If you have bone loss or severe furcation it is too late for a root canal treatment.

Book an Appointment

Visit One Dental Care for an endodontic treatment if you have painful and swollen gums. Our dentist will examine your gums and determine the right form of dental treatment

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